The 29 Songs of the Age of Aquarius

Die 29 Lieder des Wassermann-Zeitalters

The Age of Aquarius is a astrological concept based on the Vedic Yugas (ages). These 29 mantras and poetic songs contain the knowledge, philosophy, politics, projection, contemplation and meditation of the Age of Aquarius. All 29 mantras and songs were composed and produced by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa (USA) and sung by Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa (USA) - with very special musical instructions given by Yogi Bhajan for some of the songs to create a certain effect when listening.
Yogi Bhajan said:
"If you want to grow and strive for self-perfection, sing these Aquarius songs. They will give you prosperity, virtues and values. And you will know the truth."

1. Adi Shakti Namo Namo
2. Ang Sang Wahe Guru
3. Aquarian March / Sat Siri Siri Akal
4. Bountiful Blissful and Beautiful
5. The Calling
6. The Dance
7. Every Heartbeat
8. Ek Ong Kar Satgur Prasad
9. God Is Within Me
10. Happiness Almighty
11th Har Har Har Har Gobinde
12. Har Har Wahe Guru Blissful
13th Har Haray Haree
14. Har Nar Wahe Guru
15. Har Singh Nar Singh
16. Heal Me
17. Humee Hum Brahm Hum
18. I Am Happy, I Am Good
19. Love And Ecstasy
20th Nirbhao Sat Siri
21. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
22. Peace & Tranquility
23rd Rakhe Rakhan Har
24. Reality, Prosperity Ecstasy
25. Sa Re Ga Ma / Healing Scale
26. Say Saraswati
27th Siri Simriti
28. The Test
29. Wha Yantee