1. Sutra of the Age of Aquarius: I and You Are One - PDF file (german)

1. Sutra of the Age of Aquarius: I and You Are One - PDF file (german)

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The First Sutra of the Age of Aquarius helps us see that it is about overcoming everyone's fear and anxiety.

A 4 page interpretation of the sutra based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan compiled by Simrat Singh

What comes to you comes from you. You are connected to everything and so you have an influence on everything, but it happens on a subconscious level. The environment is a big mirror and gives you constant feedback about your situation, about what constantly vibrates in you and what you send out.
You can become aware of your inner state by observing what your environment reflects to you.

Further information on this topic can be found here: www.yoga-infos.de/wassermann-zeitalter-sutras.htm

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