Edit the Root of Unconscious Depression - Let Go of Your Ancestors - PDF
Edit the Root of Unconscious Depression - Let Go of Your Ancestors - PDF

Edit the Root of Unconscious Depression - Let Go of Your Ancestors - PDF

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"A very subtle set of exercises."

How strongly are we shaped by our ancestors? This influence can be supportive or debilitating and limiting. In that case, this Kriya is for you.
The focus in the first half of the exercise series is on the sciatic nerve. Here we need flexibility and openness in order to make our own life decisions.
Sovereignty is a precious good. It doesn't fall into your lap. We must choose them in order to be able to emancipate ourselves from our ancestors.
In the second half of the exercise series we work on our own inner breadth. We beckon to our higher self to fill the gap that letting go of the past has opened within us.

Source: Satya Singh, Hamburg
Comments: Sangeet Singh Gil
© KRI Kundalini Research Institute - Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

PDF file

How to use Kundalini Yoga poses and meditations.

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