Kundalini Yoga beginners course 5 for the immune system - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)
Kundalini Yoga beginners course 5 for the immune system - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)
Kundalini Yoga beginners course 5 for the immune system - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)

Kundalini Yoga beginners course 5 for the immune system - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)

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This is a ten part Kundalini Yoga course for beginners for the immune system.
Fear, anger and anger have a major impact on the immune system. The immune system is interlocked with the glandular system and is sensitive to emotional fluctuations. When anger gets stuck in the cells, the immune system is also affected. For this reason, there are numerous yoga sets that combine the topics of anger, suppressed anger and strengthening the immune system.

1. Kriya to increase resistance to disease
2. Work on the total self (english)
3. Thymus gland, immune system, cell oxygen supply
4. Wha Guru Kriya for the glandular system
5. Kundalini Yoga for neck and neck
6. Kriya for purification of the lymph glands
7. Kriya for elimination of toxins
8th series of exercises: Experience the relationship of the pranic body to the physical body
9. 9 Minute Kriyas: Master the command center of the glandular system and build physical health and mental clarity
10. Exercise series for the spleen

Author of the comments: Sangeet Singh Gil

11 PDF files (ge-zip-t),
With 11 Kundalini Yoga exercise series
© KRI Kundalini Research Institute
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

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