Kundalini Yoga course 6 - in case of overload - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)
Kundalini Yoga course 6 - in case of overload - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)
Kundalini Yoga course 6 - in case of overload - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)

Kundalini Yoga course 6 - in case of overload - with 10 exercise series - PDF files (german)

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This is a ten-part Kundalini Yoga course for beginners and advanced learners to regain your footing and regain your strength when you are exhausted and overworked.

You can live with the stress for a while. This course helps to remain capable of acting and to ensure that the situation changes. Only if the stress is not reduced does it lead to overload and exhaustion. Many people try to control themselves. This only works up to a point. What is needed instead is a reconciliation of polarities that results in reconciliation and acceptance between the different aspects of the body.

The course encourages the establishment of a regular daily yoga practice at home.

This course is designed as teaching material for Kundalini Yoga teachers and interested yoga beginners. If you have never done Kundalini Yoga before, you should definitely look for yoga courses in your own area to get started. If this is not possible, support is possible via the website www.yoga-infos.de .

1. Set of exercises to regulate the blood
2. Kundalini Yoga against stress (English)
3. Yoga to control the glandular system
4. Kundalini Yoga to be able to persevere better
5. Yoga for metabolism and relaxation
6. Yoga for the Lymphatic System
7. Building the nervous system
8. Stomach - Liver - Intestines Set
9. Yoga to balance the glands
10. Yoga to show you who you are

Meditation to calm the mind
Meditation for immobility - to let things come to you

Author of the comments: Sangeet Singh Gil

13 PDF files (ge-zip-t),
Including 10 Kundalini Yoga exercises and 2 meditations
© KRI Kundalini Research Institute
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

How to use Kundalini Yoga poses and meditations.

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