Mars & Venus Gong Meditations - Mark Swan complete

Mars & Venus Gong Meditations - Mark Swan complete

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Marc Swan's album Mars & Venus Gong Meditations contains 3 tracks:

Track 1, Venus : (16:01)
Venus as a deity controls all aspects of a relationship. Their harmonious and graceful energy helps us interact with others. The first and most important of all relationships is with ourselves. Loving ourselves unconditionally is a life mission, but how can we ever love others if we don't achieve that goal? In experiencing the warm and gentle tones of this gong, we are reminded of all aspects of divine femininity and the rich, unconditional love of a mother. The soft sounds flow through us in soft waves and dissolve childhood traumas. They fill us with the love we all long for. Venus bridges the physical to the spiritual, working on our heart and allowing us to gently expand it.
"We have always been loved by God - we just forgot that she was there".

Track 2, Mars : (17:14)
Fiery, red and bright, and always moving forward, Mars always marches in the presence of the moment. The sacred masculine inspires and encourages us to be brave and act. Passionate and decisive Mars supports us in our mission to achieve our earthly goals both materially and spiritually in this life. The color red symbolically represents a warning and in this context Mars will say: "Do not hesitate, do it now, this very moment!" . Mars is the hero, the just and righteous warrior. Mars will help you define yourself through direct action.
"You can't think your way through life, you have to get involved and just do it!" .

Track 3, Mars and Venus : (22.35)
This is the final merging. Our two opposites rise and fall, fight each other, and eventually embrace. In this last part we hear the subtle interweaving of energies as the dance heats up and the kundalini energy rises. The passionate fire of Mars warms the golden heart of Venus. Does that remind you of anything? Notice what happens in this last part. What emotions, feelings, thoughts or memories come to the surface? Let go and start relaxing deeply; the gong will only take away what is no longer needed. This final integration balances and harmonizes all internal parts of ourselves.

The process is entirely up to you, it is solely your process and that of your own psychic inner life. Honor it and learn from it. The gong is played with the intention of promoting the highest good of the higher self and creating a space in which transformation is possible and which allows an ascension into heavenly realms.

Mark Swan is a longtime Gong Master, as well as a Reiki and Seichem Master. He is also a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, teaching under his spiritual name Satjit Singh . His life's work is to hold gong "sound bath" events around the world.

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