The Excellence of Woman - Yogi Bhajan - eBook

The Excellence of Woman - Yogi Bhajan - eBook

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This book contains the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Women in Training IX, 1984 taught in the context of the summer women's camps. Great material that is incredibly inspirational, filled with hope and advice for the women who want to raise not only their own consciousness but that of humanity as a whole.

It is only available as an e-book.

“It is very beautiful to be a woman. If you are nothing other than a woman, it is a most beautiful thing. There is no problem with your being a woman. But if anything is added to it– like you are a “beautiful” woman, forget it. You are a "wonderful" woman, forget it. You are a "corrupt" woman, forget it. You are a "noble" woman, forget it. Because woman hath to be noble to begin with. Woman and nobility cannot be separated. If some man can separate woman from nobility or nobility from woman, all you have left is a piece of meat. Then there is no other conception.”

1003 pages
Language: English


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